
7天前—MicrosoftonceheldafuneralfortheiPhoneandtheblackberrybecausetheyweresosuretheirnewWindowsPhone7wasgoingtoburythe ...,2010年9月10日—Tocelebratethebirthofthisnewoperatingsystem,itthrewahugeparade/funeralatitsRedmondcampus.Thefuneralincludedfakehearsesfor ...,2010年9月10日—MicrosoftAimstoBuryItsPast(andtheiPhone).Microsoft'scelebrationonFridaymarkingthecompletionWindowsPhone7includestwohear...

Microsoft once held a funeral for the iPhone and ...

7 天前 — Microsoft once held a funeral for the iPhone and the blackberry because they were so sure their new Windows Phone 7 was going to bury the ...

Microsoft Throws a Crazy Parade to Celebrate the Birth of ...

2010年9月10日 — To celebrate the birth of this new operating system, it threw a huge parade/funeral at its Redmond campus. The funeral included fake hearses for ...

Microsoft's Held a Funeral for the iPhone, in Photos

2010年9月10日 — Microsoft Aims to Bury Its Past (and the iPhone). Microsoft's celebration on Friday marking the completion Windows Phone 7 includes two hearses ...

Who's dead here now, or how Microsoft staged an iPhone ...

2024年3月2日 — One of them was operational at the time Windows The Phone 7, which Microsoft believed so much that it considered it the nail in the coffin of ...

8 years ago today

2018年9月10日 — On September 10, 2010, Microsoft threw an incredibly distasteful celebration for the completion of Windows Phone 7.

In 2010 Microsoft held a "funeral" for the iPhone after ...

2024年2月21日 — In 2010 Microsoft held a funeral for the iPhone after launching the windows phone 7.

Microsoft employees holding a funeral for the iPhone ...

2020年6月9日 — Microsoft employees holding a funeral for the iPhone following the success of their Windows phone (crosspost from r/agedlikemilk).

Microsoft celebrates Windows Phone 7 with mock iPhone ...

2010年9月12日 — Microsoft employees celebrated Windows Phone 7 RTM by holding a mock funeral for the iPhone and BlackBerry through the Redmond campus.